Surface: 53,586 hectares Provinces: Belluno, Bolzano Main peaks: Antelao (3,264 m) Tofana di Mezzo (3,244 m) Tofane de Inze (3,238 m) Tofana di Rozes (3,225 m) Cristallo (3,221 m) Sorapis (3,205 m) Punta Tre Scarperi (3,152 m) Croda Rossa d'Ampezzo (3,146 m) Croda dei Toni (3,094 m) Tre Cime di Lavaredo (Cima Grande 2,999 m) Marmarole (2,932 m) Cadini di Misurina (2,839 m) Croda Rossa di Sesto (2,965 m) Nature reserves: Parco Naturale Fanes-Sennes-Braies Parco Naturale Dolomiti di Sesto Parco Naturale Dolomiti d’Ampezzo
abundance of vertical walls, peaks above 3,000 meters, and bare rocks. Examples of all the main vertical and horizontal shapes, such as rocky plateaus, sheer cliffs and pinnacles, are present. The rocky structures can be classified into recognizable geometric shapes, like prisms and parallelepipeds. Their beauty inspire works of art in literature and in the fine arts.
the system offers the most complete stratigraphic sequence of the Dolomites and abounds in fossils. There is a significant intrinsic and extrinsic geodiversity: presence of the typical Dolomite Landscape, evidence of the geomorphological effects of climatic and morphodynamic phenomena; abundance of karst and landslide phenomena.
The Dolomiti Settentrionali are the fifth system of the Dolomites serial property, included by UNESCO on the World Heritage List. This area, the largest of the nine, stretches between the provinces of Bolzano and Belluno and is the one which best meets the natural criteria of outstanding aesthetic, geological and geomorphological value.
The area is enclosed between the valleys Val Pusteria, Val di Sesto, Val Badia, Valle di San Cassiano (in the province of Bolzano), and Valle del Piave, Valle del Boite, Valle dell’Ansiei (in the province of Belluno). Here you find some of the most famous mountain groups of the Dolomites: the Dolomiti di Sesto with the Paterno, the Tre Scarperi group, the Rondoi-Baranci group, and the Tre Cime di Lavaredo
; the mountain groups Cadini, Braies, Fanes and Sennes, and Sett Sass, where the peak bearing the same name is called also Scogliera di Richthofen (Richthofen Reef); the Tofane
; the Antelao
, also called King of the Dolomites; the Sorapiss; and the Croda Rossa
and the Cristallo, offering some of the most charming landscapes of the Dolomites.
The Dolomiti Settentrionali, part of the Dolomites World Heritage Site, offer a series of dramatically high peaks alternated with beautiful tarns and lunar plateaus like those of Braies, Sennes and Fanes. It’s not by chance in fact that their beauty inspired myths and legends.
The Dolomiti Settentrionali are especially interesting from a geomorphological point of view, since they show a large variety of natural phenomena which shaped, and are still shaping, these mountains, such as glacial erosions, tectonic movements, karst phenomena and landslide phenomena. Moreover, the fifth system represents perfectly the main characteristics of the Dolomite Landscape: rocky plateaus and compact massifs.
From a geological point of view, the Dolomiti Settentrionali offer the most complete stratigraphic sequence found in the Dolomites: from the deserts of the Permian to the tropical cliffs of the Triassic, from the lagoons of the Jurassic to the most recent Oligo-Miocene outcrop. Right here are displayed all those processes that made the Dolomites into the astonishing mountains they are now. The system is also one of the richest fossiliferous sites of the world: here you find fossil plant deposits from the Anisian, corals, ambers from the Mesozoic, bivalves and aberrant ammonites (mollusks).
In a clear sky day from Antelao you can see the Veneto Lagoon and the Adriatic Sea.